Friday, January 9, 2009

Playing Catch Up.

It has been awhile since I last posted anything. I have had good intentions, but by the end of the day I am tired and just want to look at everyone's blog and see what new things are happening in ya'll's world.

We had a great holiday season here at the Dahle household. Ryan, the boys and I for Family Home Evening took treat plates around to people in our home ward here. We had a lot of fun. My first thanks of the season goes to our navigation system. Without that the evening would have really been difficult. It took us about 3 hours to get around to everyone. The boys did so well at tolerating mom's idea of starting a new tradition.

Michelle (my sister that lives in Bedford, Tx) and Ryan put up Christmas lights on our house later that week. That is my second thanks of the season. I am so lucky and grateful to have a sister that lives so close by. My two boys LOVE her. She is so great with them and we absolutely enjoy her company. Getting back to the lights. Ryan and Michelle did a fantastic job with the lights. Jaxon loved going outside and watching them put everything up. After they were all done, we were still no competition for our neighbors across the street. It literally looked at though Christmas had exploded in their yards. Even better yet, two of the houses had music blow up figurines that played Christmas music and no they never turned if off until the morning. Ryan and I would lay in bed at night and hear the music serenading us to sleep.

Christmas Eve day Ryan surprised me with my first Christmas gift, a Christmas tree. And if you know me well, that was big deal. We had discussed all month that we would wait till next year to get a Christmas tree, because we were afraid that the boys would destroy it. But Ryan got it anyway. It was exactly what I wanted. We set the tree up, got the kids bathed and watch the Nativity movie.

Christmas morning was so much fun to watch. Jaxon actually got the whole idea of presents and saw the tree and went "ho, ho , ho." It was so cute. Logan got the hang of ripping into presents and shredding the wrapping paper. Later on the day we went over to Ryan's grandparents house and had Christmas dinner. I love spending the holidays with family. And I am very lucky to have married into such a great family. After dinner, the four of drove down to Bedford to see Michelle and spend some time with her. All in all, I feel extremely blessed to have the life that Heavenly Father has blessed me with.

I look forward to this season every year. I was telling Ryan a couple of weeks ago, that I enjoy the weeks leading up to this holiday a lot more than the actually days themselves. I believe that during this wonderful time of year, Heavenly Father pours out more of his love and blessings during this time, whether they come through forms of our friends, family or answered prayers. I enjoy the love and the spirit of service that seems to exude from everyone around you. The Christmas spirit know no boundaries. Heavenly Father blesses us with an ounce of heavenly peace and love here on earth during this time. A time that is hopefully spent loving those around you, being grateful for what you have and hoping the next year to be filled with more joy than the last.

From the Dahle family, may your New Year be filled with possibilities and happiness.


Reena Bostock said...

IT's about time you post something. Your family is so adorable. I'm glad you had such a wonderful holiday season. How come there is no pics of you? Are you still in school? Talk at you more later. REena

Ashley Mae McKnight said...

Your house is SOOO pretty, I love it. I love that you guys are so happy!

Tiffi said...

Hey nerd:)
Sounds like you had lots of fun over Christmas! Your boys are so cute. I think you have the blogging thing down so, I will be expecting more posts in the future. At least one a month. Say HI to your mom and dad.

Ben and Michelle said...

I love your house. It is beautiful.
Love ya,

Tiffi said...

come on keira post something new already!!!!

i want to see the boys