Sunday, November 23, 2008

Utah baby!

Ryan and I left Thursday afternoon from Whitesboro, Texas at 2:30 in the afternoon. Dumb me, I thought that we would be able to get to at least Albuquerque, N.M. before we would have to stop for the night. That didn't happen. We stopped and ate dinner in Amarillo and an hour and a half later our little drama queen (a.k.a Jaxon) started to scream in his sleep trying desperately to muscle his way out of his car seat. We made it 7 hours of our 20 hour drive. Ahhh . . . the joys of traveling with little children. Now by this time we have gained an hour crossing into Mountain Time and our lovely children woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed at 5 bells. Mind you, I was the lucky one to sleep with Jaxon who can't sleep in one spot if his life depended on it. Sleeping was a joke. Thankfully, I woke up at 5 and feeling pretty good. Heavenly Father is extremely merciful on parents, because Jaxon and Logan were angels for the next 14 hours of our journey. Now we are in Utah and loving it. It's a tad bit cold, but I have mountain and people that actually enunciate their words.

Ryan and I were able to meet up with my friends Stacey and Krista for dinner in West Jordan. It took me longer than planned. I am seriously directionally challenged. But we both got there and I had a delightful time talking with them. They are such good people. Stacey and Adam are going to make such wonderful parents. They are so happy with each other. Krista is the same, but older. She always had a more mature attitude growing up. Krista seem really happy too. It so great to watch those in your life, who may not have had the easiest time earlier on be truly happy. They are great and wonderful people and I am lucky to call them friends.

I will post more later on. I am in Utah for the next week. I will hopefully take a lot of pictures and post them with updates. Happy Thanksgiving!!!


Reena Bostock said...

I'm jealous your near the mountains right now! It's good to hear you made it safe and sound and that you had a good time with your friends. Happy Thanksgiving and good luck driving back home!

Ben and Michelle said...

We hope you have a wonderful Holiday Season.

Ben & Michelle

Ben and Michelle said...

Can I get your address?

email it to:

Ben and Michelle said...

What a long drive. I am very jealous that you got to see Stace. Miss you