Monday, November 17, 2008

Jaxon and the Kittens

This is a video of Jaxon and our kittens that magically disappeared after the hay in our backyard was bailed. In the background you will see the cat house that Ryan built. It has insulated walls, floor and roof. It has a cat walk and a porch. And to top it all off the roof is removable. Yes, Ryan is quite proud of his creation.


stacey said...

what a stylin little boy in those shades!! He's so cute with his little "meow, meow" ha ha so sweet! I'm pretty impressed ryan did a good job building those cats a house!

Reena Bostock said...

Wow, I'm impressed with Ryan's kitty house! Your little boy is so cute! Keep the posts coming, I like seeing what your up too.